Press Coverage

RadioBio Podcast: Dr. Michele Nishiguchi-Ink-redible Squids
Imagine you’re a squid, yeah okay its weird but just imagine it, you are a squid swimming at night. It’s a dark night except for

Nish interview KYOS 107.3 FM Community Conversations
Nish was interviewed about her outreach work at Plainsburg Elementary on KYOS 107.3 FM. Go to the webpage and click Community Conversations: To listen to

Perla Gonzalez-Moreno awarded the Charlotte Mangum award
Congrats to Perla Gonzalez-Moreno for being awarded the Charlotte Mangum award for attending the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meetings in Phoenix, AZ.

News story by grad student Anh Diep about Professor Michele Nishiguchi’s microbial studies of squid
At UC Merced, Nish and her team research the dynamic relationships between the Bobtail squid and Vibrio bacteria. There are approximately 20 labs nationally that use this

The Nish lab helped advertising for the getting vaccinated at UC Merced
The Nish lab posed for this web page banner for the CAMPUS READY page-

Nish was a special guest on Stuart Keller’s radio show.
Nish was a special guest on Stuart Keller’s radio show, Delving In, on KTAL, the community radio station in Las Cruces, New Mexico. As the name

7th grade genetics lesson!
A 7th grade genetics lesson! Wa delivered to Las Cruces Public Schools on Friday, and over the next couple of months about 1800 students will be

Lizet Martinez and Karla Lopez present at Creative Arts Symposium (URCAS)
Lizet Martinez and Karla Lopez presenting their research at the NMSU Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium (URCAS). So proud of these two Hispanic women

NMSU biology professors research squid, bacteria for NASA grant
LAS CRUCES – Two biology professors at New Mexico State University were awarded a nearly $800,000 three-year NASA grant to study how biological changes in

Grade-school girls show they can do anything
Girls Can event draws almost 250 sixth-grade girls from Hatch, Gadsden and Las Cruces school districts. Check out this story on

Dr. Nishiguchi wins First Place in the “Look who’s dancing” competition
Dr. Nishiguchi wins First Place in the “Look who’s dancing” competition New Mexico State University Regents Biology Professor Michelle Nishiguchi and her expert partner Irvin

NMSU biology Regents professor to lead Sundt seminar students on Hawaii research trip
NMSU biology Regents professor to lead Sundt seminar students on Hawaii research trip. Many New Mexico State University students will probably spend their spring break
Finalists for the American Way Road Warrior contest
Dr. Nish is one of the five finalists for the American Way Road Warrior contest. Voting starts November 1st and ends on the 30th. Read

Hundreds participate in inaugural Run
Hundreds participate in inaugural Run with Your Doc event to benefit indigent clinic. More than 600 participants — many of whom were doctors — laced up
New Mexico Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Scholarships
On April 16, 2013, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium awarded 26 Fellowships and Scholarships to students across New Mexico totaling $210,000. Neda Nourabadi, of Las
Harlem Shake
The Harlem Shake was performed during Dr. Nish’ Zumba class, sh is the 3rd person in the back row.

USC Wrigley Institute BIO466 trip
Dr. Nishiguchi at NMSU takes those students who registered for Bio 466 on a trip to Wrigley Institute of Environmental Studies to do research and

NMSU biologist tweaks, teaches intensive genetics course in the Philippines
Working to bolster future scientists around the globe, New Mexico State University biology professor Michele Nishiguchi jetted to the Philippines to teach an intensive course

The Albuquerque Journal
Squids help to light way to knowledge. Luminescent bacteria in creature’s belly is useful tool for researchers. View article.

Nish gets the Dennis Darnall Faculty Achievement Award!
Nish is the 2011-2012 recipient of the Dennis Darnall Faculty Achievement Award for New Mexico State University. The Dennis Darnall Faculty Achievement Award recognizes faculty